Produsele Kyani va refac si intaresc sistemul imunitar, ajuta la regenerarea organismului reprezinta poate cel mai puternic anti-oxidant de pe planeta. Oxidul nitric este foarte important, cercetarile privind impactul oxidului de azot in organism, a moleculei acestuia, au determinat obtinerea Premiul Nobel pentru Fiziologie si Medicina in anul 1998 – considerandu-se ca cea mai importanta molecula gasita in organism - cateva picaturi in fiecare zi cresc nivelul de oxid nitric.
Numele meu este Demitrius Siruno si folosesc produsele Kyani din august 2007 ani.
Sunt foarte multumit cu aceste produse, pentru ca li se permite sa-si recapete sanatatea mea din spate. Am avut un accident acum cativa ani, in timp ce snowboarding.
Din acel moment am avut Cronice dureri de spate. Am cautat ajutor de la chiropracticieni si analgezice utilizand, dar nimic nu ma ajutat sa scap de durere. Am fost un pic sceptic cu privire la aceasta, Kyani produse care pot face mai mult decat adaugarea de doar un pic din energia mea.
Dupa doar 2 saptamani de folosire am observat produse Kyani, ca nu mai au dureri la nivelul coloanei vertebrale, plus mult mai mult mai multa energie. In termen de cateva luni de Kyani Triangle de sanatate, nu am nici dureri de spate si ma simt mai bine decat oricand.
Va recomandam aceste produse pentru fiecare!
Numele meu este Sherry Kaalekahi si am folosi Kyani Sanatate Triangle din luna mai 2009 ani.
Este cu adevarat uimitor cum am reusit sa imbunatateasca sanatatea in ultimele luni.
Am avut probleme cu picioarele, de arme si mai mici dureri de spate. Dupa zece luni de utilizare a produselor, Nu mai am aceste probleme, si durerea mea a disparut si eu pot lucra in continuare si sa faca lucrurile, pe care o iubesc. Mai important, Am fost in stare sa impartasiti sanatatii mele binele si fericirea familiei mele, prieteni si toti oamenii pe care ii respecta.
Kyani Va multumim pentru schimbarea vietii mele!
Ma numesc P. Gomez – Bakersfield, CA. Dupa doua saptamani de utilizare Kyani Sanatate Triangle mea dureri artritice in genunchi disparut. Am avut pentru a obtine o noua injectie de cortizol,Am decis sa astept, pentru a vedea, daca produsul va ajuta-ma Kyani.
In plus,, Trebuie sa stau mult timp atunci cand genunchii mei se umfla, wcieram Kyani NitroFx direct pe genunchi si durerea dispare 5 minute sau mai putin. L-am folosit cu NitroFx nepotul meu, care au avut piele uscata si egzemę, 2 zile mai tarziu, atunci cand mi-am amintit, pentru a verifica spate a fost buna si nu au existat breakouts. My 60 de ani, mama a pierdut o multime de greutate cu Kyani, si a folosit triunghiul pe de Sanatate, De asemenea, sa imbunatatit Tensiune arteriala.
Numele meu este Joe Lopez. Pentru prima data m-am intalnit cu privire la produsele Kyani 8 luni in urma dupa convins de fiul meu. Am fost destul de sceptic, cinstit, , deoarece acestea toate doar parea prea promitatoare, Asa ca am decis sa incerc pentru cateva luni. I-am cumparat un pachet de sanatate triunghi, pentru a testa performanta de toate 3 produse.
Timp de multi ani am suferit diabet 2, hipertensiune arteriala, ridicat de colesterol, si dureri foarte grave de sciatica in partea inferioara. Nu am putut merge si nu am fost in masura sa ramana mai mult in masina. Am simtit inca de durere si de specialitate mi-a scris , Strong medicamente, steroizi, prin injectare,care mi-a dat durerii. Dar scutire a fost doar temporar si nu a fost distractiv, atunci cand de fiecare data cand am tractiune acul in partea din spate. Dupa o luna de Kyani, durerea mea aproape a disparut complet si am putut merge chiar mai 2 mila. Din moment ce am folosi produsele Kyani, colesterolul meu a scazut semnificativ, tensiunea mea a mers de cu 170/95 de 135/78, si de zahar din sange mea a scazut mai mult decat 100 puncte.
Sunt foarte fericit, pe care o folosesc si sa recomande produsele Kyani mele, la prieteni si de familie a acestor produse uimitoare.
I am the average 48-year-old man with average health problems. I didn’t feel well. I had borderline high blood pressure and was overweight. I’ve always felt that medicine only treats symptoms, but it doesn’t heal you. Now I know the science behind nitric oxide, I wonder why my doctor never told me about it. I am on Kyäni’s Health Triangle. I feel better, my blood pressure has dropped, I have energy without end, and I am on my way to financial independence! THANK YOU KYANI. Robert Horvath, Pearl
Last year, my health was going downhill. I was having many problems with inflammation. My shoulders and neck hurt all the time, I had migraine headaches, and I was taking 800 mg. of ibuprofen on a regular basis. I started taking the Kyäni products after I learned about their anti-inflammatory properties. Now I don’t have to take ibuprofen. I was able to start exercising. I feel so much better now. I am on my way to being the healthiest that I’ve been in a very long time thanks to Kyäni. -Sandy Gates
Prior to being in Kyäni, I was in a company for seven years. I built a downline of over 10,000 people but I was not making the income I thought I would be nor did the products have life altering effects. The Kyäni Health Triangle has relieved me of joint paint and my energy level and mental focus are unsurpassed. I truly am blessed to be a part of this company. This company is changing lives and has a pay plan that is way beyond the rest of the industry. The Sapphire Car program is something everyone who joins can achieve. This is a company for life- "I found a home." Thank you Kyäni!!! Carl Ramallo
I was originally attracted to Kyäni because of its strong financial backing. I met Kirk Hansen and Michael Breshears and knew they were honest businessman. They have great visions for the future. Then I started using the Kyäni products. I hurt my ankle and immediately took the Kyäni Nitro FX. Usually that kind of pain lasts for weeks but my pain was gone within two days. It was amazing. I have finally found a home in this industry with Kyäni. Jackie Chien
I am an educated physical therapist and very interested in improving people’s health. With Kyäni´s products I have helped many people get better health and some distributors have already been able to quit their traditional jobs. By helping others reach their goal, you will reach yours! This is smart! The key for my success has been a wonderful upline, smart downline and a firm belief in myself. Marie Jalkanen, Sweden
Prior to Kyani, I used to get terrible migraine headaches. My headaches would be so painful at times that I would ask my wife to take me to the emergency room several times a year. It was almost coincidence that the day I went to my first Kyani presentation, I felt a migraine coming. I sampled the Kyani Nitro FX and immediately felt relief after a few was incredible! Since then I never leave the house without it and haven't been to an emergency room! Kyani has giving me a better quality of life and the ability to enjoy my family without pain. Chris Cannon, HI
Armed with a degree in business, Justin Hadley is diligent, knowledgeable, and hard working. But with the economic downturn, he found himself constantly looking for work. He moved his young family away from the comforts of home in pursuit of a new opportunity. Then, in February, he was introduced to Kyäni. Initially, Justin worried about starting a business in a new industry. “Network marketing was a foreign idea to me but I knew how to work hard. I set my jaw and dove in,” recalls Justin.
Justin was laid off by his employer a few weeks later but thanks to Kyäni, he didn’t panic. He was finally in control of his future. “I studied everything, listened to my upline, Larry Barkdull, and gave it my all,” Justin explains. “Now my business is skyrocketing! I’ll be a Ruby by my fourth month in the business and plan to be a Diamond by the end of the summer. I’m focused on building as big and fast as I can. There is no reason to go look for a new job. I love Kyani! Justin Hadley, Sapphire, Orem, UT.